You ever smoke weed and get so high that you understand why some people don’t like smoking weed?
Fuck the police, I’ll smoke it anyway!
Medical Cannabis & Dinosaurs are REAL
Negative Effects of Smoking Marijuana
What is 420 ?
Grow Your Own Weed, It’s Free
Worst Election Speech Ever? Try the greatest! Gwendolyn...
Bobama be Jammin’ – Bob Marley / Obama...
When You Conspiracy Theory While High AF
When you were created evil…
I Waketh, I Baketh
Vitalyzd TV Pranks Cops With A Bong
Really High Guy Orders Large Medium Pizza
Barney’s Farm On Tour
LP’s growing shit weed be like
If Only Closed Minds Came With Closed Mouths
The Price of Weed in Ireland
Sharing is Caring Dudes
Getting stoned and meditating