Superman knows, that’s why he’s hitting that bong.
The Problem With Weed…
Cannabis Oil For Sugar Diabetes
England: Anonymous Growers Plant Ganja all across the...
When you’re so high you thought this was...
The Streets – The Irony of it all
Snoop Dogg: I Smoke 81 Blunts A Day
A Gourmet Weed Dinner At Hunter S. Thompson’s...
Ever been so high that…
Eating my own poop is like infinite food
Aftermath at the local supermarket the day after...
No thanks, just the weed for me
When you’re high and everything is funny
Cannabis Oil at work
Snoop Dogg interviews funny man Seth Rogen
A fine bit of Jamaican
Some People like Wine At Night, I Prefer...
My baby be so loud when I’m walking...
The Drive Through Marijuana Prank