President Barack Obama smoking weed, and loving it.
Colonel Chris Hadfield High In Space
Me and my bong after a hard days...
If weed affects your short term memory…
Nicki Minaj – Ganja Burn
Anti social, high and happy.
Don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t cheat, don’t sell...
Mom calling at 4:20
No thanks, just the weed for me
Lily Allen – Alfie
Shit Garden? When you plant shit seeds, you...
These edibles arn’t working!
Hey Bro, Do I look Stoned?
The ‘War on Drugs’ Is A War On...
Arnie smoking his iPot
High as Fuck – Jon Lajoie
Change the law man, not me!
If You Smoke Cigarettes or Drink Alcohol…
Good Guy Greg Can’t Get A Job