A wise dude once said “Nobody but a fool or an impostor pretends that he, as an individual, has a right to punish other men for their vices. But…everybody has a natural right…to defend his own person and property against aggressors…And government has no rightful existence, except in so far as it embodies, and is limited by, this natural right of individuals…It is only those who claim that government has some rightful power, which no individual or individuals ever did, or could, delegate to it, that claim that government has any rightful power to punish vices.” – Lysander Spooner
Getting in the car with family smelling of...
The Lucas Brothers – 22 Jump Street interview
The Perfect Date
Pot should be mandatory – Bill Hicks Sane...
Swollen Joints Are A Sign Of Aging
Cannabis For Dog Bites ?
No one rules, if no one obeys
Me buying weed now VS When I was...
Tommy Chong in his garden of pot plants
Stoner Sloth T-Shirt
Snoop Dogg GGN Exclusive Interview with Charlo Greene
Learn you will, never too much weed can...
Everything’s Better With A Bag Of Weed
Dr. Julie Holland cannabis quote
Smoke Weed, Refuse To Give A Shit
What gives people the feeling of power?
One Does Not Simply Travel To Amsterdam For...