Stoned goat thinking what I’m thinking…. The goat knows me man!
Everyone loves slinkies
Smoked weed in the 60s…
Hemp has over 10,000 uses!
Oh, you hate hearing about weed on 420…
Bill Murray Nurses His Marijuana Plant
Tobacco Vs Marijuana Deaths Per Year
Bic lighter With Buds
Everyone should have the right to grow their...
I Smoke Weed Everyday
Problems with the Legalization of Marijuana #010
I hate People Who Take Drugs
They Say Marijuana Is A Gateway Drug. To...
Skimp Killah – Eff Your Weed Shop
John Oliver breaks down the ‘War on Drugs...
When you gonna be high AF
Uwe Banton – The Roots Of It
You cannot buy the pleasure which it yields...
What if the government have been replaced by...