Some footage of the Legalize Pot Rally in Brazil where thousands turned out in support of the rally. Just another country of people who could capitalise and benefit from what’s being called ‘The Green Rush’ …as in Decriminalising the use and user of cannabis which saves money on policing among other things or regulating and taxing a cannabis market and putting it back into their country.
Bitches be like ‘I’ve dabbed before’
I’ll Sell You Some Weed
When the bong needs cleaned
Anti social, high and happy.
Super Mario on the Nugtendo Wiid
Causalities Of A War On Drugs
Wars Never Solve Anything
The Squad when you quit weed
When you see the sons eyes are red
Top Ten Weed Memes
Yo I’m all of out dabs but I...
Children using medical cannabis / marijuana to stay...
Indica Vs Sativa
ALL for ONE – Addey Lane
Victimless crimes are not actually crimes at all
I Only Do Small Dabs
Hobbs Greenery – Most Interesting Man