Fuck Alcohol, at least weed’s not got any calories.
Willie Nelson – Roll Me Up And Smoke...
Repeal all cannabis laws
What’s more important…
Colorado’s first marijuana Jobs Fayre
Cannabis, why is it illegal?
Warning: Marijuana Cultivation is Dangerous!
An example of the dangerous life-threatening activities of...
Dude, Colorado Just Legalized Gay Marijuana
Earth Day – Plants Still Illegal
Strain Hunters Trinidad & St. Vincent Expedition
When you finally kickback
Weed Makes Sex Better…Same For Fapping – Insanity...
When murder gets you less time than growing...
Cheech and Chong – Up In Smoke
The Best Hangover Prevention
Before and After Smoking The Devils Lettuce
Stoned Dog Pondering A Wagging Tail
Fuck the police, I’ll smoke it anyway!