In this episode Theweedguy is in Vancouver, Canada for the 420 rally at the Vancouver Art Gallery. He purchases cannabis from the open air market, launches tshirts from a canon and smokes weed. For more videos go to KUSH.CA, and don’t forget to ENJOY life like there is no tomorrow YEAHHHHHH!!!!!.
It’s scientifically proven that cannabis is safer than...
When your dealer tries to rip you off
Thai woman sentenced to death for trafficking cannabis
Blow ayway the stress
When the fridge is empty
The Perfect High Shel Silverstein
Oh, you don’t have a Davinci Vaporizer?
The Dude Cleans Your Bong
Pizza shaped like weed
State of Euphoria
Great Marijuana Quote
I’m fighting for the right to exist, no...
Why The Fuck Did You Pass It To...
Wilfred – Lets Get Stoned
When you’re out of papers
Waiting To Inhale (2005) Documentary
The Bud Delivery Driver (Art)
The Queen of England sniffing the goodness