In this episode Theweedguy is in Vancouver, Canada for the 420 rally at the Vancouver Art Gallery. He purchases cannabis from the open air market, launches tshirts from a canon and smokes weed. For more videos go to KUSH.CA, and don’t forget to ENJOY life like there is no tomorrow YEAHHHHHH!!!!!.
When the fridge is empty
The absurdity of the ‘war on drugs’
Gorilla Glue Slaps ‘Reverse Class-Action’ Suit on 3...
When You Need Campaign Funds
Lil Debbie – LET’S GET HIGH
Fucks I give? Nun!
When Your Buddy Turns To Stone
Dr Dre – The Chronic (Full Album)
Tommy Chong in his garden of pot plants
People Should Be Judged The Content Of Their...
Forever Alone – Look For Best Weed For...
Free The Weed…
Problems with the Legalization of Marijuana #006
At Least Weed’s Not Got Calories
How Many Stoners Does It Take To Change...
Dispensary Etiquette
How family see you
Eating my own poop is like infinite food