Macka B – Land Of Sensi

Land Of Sensi
buy cannabis seeds

Macka B – Land Of Sensi

How can a tree that is so versatile be illegal? What’s wrong with these people?
Class C shouldn’t even be class D, E, F, G, right on to Z
It’s the land of sensi

I’m going to the land of sensi,
Anybody want to come with me
Follow me to the land of sensi
Where I’m going to use that sensi tree
I’m going to the land of sensi,
Anybody want to come with me
Follow me to the land of sensi
Where I’m going to use that sensi tree

In the land of sensi all clothes are made out of hemp,
Makes very good garment
Stronger, warmer and cheaper than cotton
Three times the strength and takes longer to rotten
There is something for everybody in the land of sensi
I am not joking marijuana is not just for smoking

I’m going to the land of sensi,
Anybody want to come with me
Follow me to the land of sensi
Where I’m going to use that sensi tree
I’m going to the land of sensi,
Anybody want to come with me
Follow me to the land of sensi
Where I’m going to use that sensi tree

In the land of sensi the oil that you put into your lamp
Is made from the seed of the marijuana plants
In the land of sensi all paper is made from the ganja tree
Newspaper, bibles and paper money,
It proves to be the longest lasting paper of the highest quality
In the land of sensi there are no sleeping tablets with side effects
Have a spliff or drink some tea to alleviate all your stress
In the land of sensi all paintings are done on hemp canvas
With the paint made from hemp seed oil

I’m going to the land of sensi,
Anybody want to come with me
Follow me to the land of sensi
Where I’m going to use that ganja tree
I’m going to the land of sensi,
Anybody want to come with me
Follow me to the land of sensi
Where I’m going to use that sensi tree

In the land of sensi all cars are not run on fossil fuels
But biomass such as cannabis is converted to methane or gasoline at a fraction of the cost
In the land of sensi houses are made out of hemp fibre pulp
Practical, fire resistant construction material
Yes people live in houses made out of sess
In the land of sensi the birds are plenty
Hemp seed is their favourite feed
The fish can’t wait
For the hemp seed fishing bait
Oil from the hemp seed can make
A very high protein delicious seed cake
In the land of sensi there is no asthma, glaucoma
Plasters and muscle ointments are made from cannabis
Rheumatism is treated with hemp leaves from the sensi trees
In the land of sensi ganja is smoked, drank, eaten, worn, lived in, rubbed on to the

I’m going to the land of sensi,
Anybody want to come with me
Follow me to the land of sensi
Where I’m going to use that sensi tree
I’m going to the land of sensi,
Anybody want to come with me
Follow me to the land of sensi
Where I’m going to use that sensi tree

I’m going to the land of sensi,
Anybody want to come with me
Follow me to the land of sensi
Where I’m going to use that sensi tree
I’m going to the land of sensi,
Anybody want to come with me
Follow me to the land of sensi
Where I’m going to use that sensi tree

How can a tree that is so versatilly useful be illegal? What’s wrong with these people?
Class C shouldn’t even be class D, E ,F, G, right on to Z
Pass me that chalice