Jose Mujica is the Greatest living president. He completely Legalized Cannabis (which makes him the greatest automatically in my book) but there are many other reasons. Check this video out and see if your heart melts. Take note you other (bastard) politicians.
Toke Signals TV With Steve Elliott – Episode...
Sugar Bob The Weed Eating Dear From Oregon
Overdosed Smoking Weed – Bad Luck Brian
When the bong needs cleaned
Prince Harry Always Gets The Good Shit
Cannabis For Spinal Pain Bong!
One Does Not Simply Travel To Amsterdam For...
What’s suitable viewing for children ?
Hemp V Trees
Forever Stoned
George Carlin Government Quote
Wiz Khalifa – When I’m Gone
American Drug War: The Last White Hope Documentary...
When you find out who’s been smoking all...
Is It Right To Lock Up Cannabis Users?
Weekly Weed Supply Medicine Box
LP’s growing shit weed be like
Tommy Chong for President