Pineaplle Express’s Dale ( James Franco ) in this meme which is from a hilarious scene in the movie but I can relate the same emotion to the munchies. Ha!
Dude, Colorado Just Legalized Gay Marijuana
Reefer Madness – The Musical. Trailer
Look me in the eye and tell me...
Weed should be researched for it’s thernaputic qualities
Dealers be like…
Student writes about Jesus & Weed. Teacher quits!
When anyone calls to my house
Hey Cancer, We Got Your Number
Two Baked Potatoe
Cannabis Deaths – 0 Energy Drink Deaths- 5
Marijuanas will kill your brain cells!
Grass: The History of Marijuana (1999) Documentary
If you run out of weed, you’re gonna...
When you’re out of weed
Marijuana Prohibition vs Legalization Costs
When someone says weed is weed!
Bong Rips & Coffee
Legalise Me – The Pretenders