Respect to The Dude. The Dude abides. Wake and bake champion, the dude.
When you smoke the herb, it reveals you...
$50 and I’ll do whatever you want babe!
I love Cannabis
When they’re rolling another blunt…
The Forbidden Medicine
Don’t Fear The Reefer
Dabs had me like! – Really High Goat
The Stoners Periodic Table
When your dealer’s at work
Dr Sanjay Gupta’s CNN Special “WEED” Documentary (2013)
Smokes weed in an Islamic country…
Y U No Tell People Cannabis Cures Cancer?
Bill Murray Nurses His Marijuana Plant
Advice on the dangers of Pot Brownies
When murder gets you less time than growing...
President Obama Smoking Weed
How Can Hemp Be Utilized?
I’d Like A Prescription For medical marijuana