The indie-rock superheroes The Agreeables have made a really fun, retro sounding tune “420 High,” flexing their greenery in this retro tune for the legalization of Marijuana.
Camo Cowboys – Family Felony
Funky Skunky Smelly Green Shit
The California Cannabis Hemp Initiative 2014 (Jack Herer...
The best weed Strains – Snoop Dogg and...
When the edibles are weak…
Negative Effects of Smoking Marijuana
Ciaran Murphy – Anti Social
Cannabis protects you from the Ebola virus
The Queen of England sniffing the goodness
Lunar C – Shnaffleberry
Marijuana V Prescription Antidepressant Drugs
The absurdity of the ‘war on drugs’
An example of the dangerous life-threatening activities of...
Marijuana: Less Scary Than Alcohol
Run From The Cure – The Rick Simpson...
You’re Addicted To Weed?
Bat Signal? Batman needs weed first!
The Culture High Teaser