Here are some celebrities who smoke/d weed – Marilyn Monroe, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Barack Obama, Seth Rogen, James Franco, Wiz Khalifa, Snoop Dogg, Cypress Hill, Paris Hilton, Zach Galifianakis and Steve-O. Here is some pointless Video proof of that. Enjoy!
Then and Now: A Decade of Difference in...
Politicians before and after being elected
When you’ve been an ahole!
Brazil Holds huge pot legalization march
This hangover is brutal!
If you run out of weed, you’re gonna...
Christmas Tree Ball Pot Pipe
Childs Bong Costume
Rebelites – Legalize (Bulgarian Reggae)
Smoke Weed, Refuse To Give A Shit
If 2020 was weed!
Punishable by a fine?
CBD Companies be like!
This weed isn’t doing anything!
Wake and Bake or Wake and; Vomit?
Maury medical marijuana lab test
Smoking A Joint In Public – Rage Comic
Trailer Park Boys Ricky Speaks On Parliament Hill