ER Doctor Tom Minahan is a conservative christian father from California, who’s changed his mind on medical marijuana after seeing with his own eyes the positive effects it’s had on his own daughters epilepsy. After going through conventional treatments with his daughter Dr Tom Minahan was recommended cannabis oil.
Cannabis Is The Most Studied Plant On Earth,...
When you’re high AF…
Top Shelf Marijuana Extracts, Not!
Keith Richards drugs quote
Ave A Toke Maria
Support Your Local Gardeners
When you & bae got the munchies
Repeat After Me: I Am Free
Wake and Bake Cereal ‘erryday
Mans Best Friend
Worst Election Speech Ever? Try the greatest! Gwendolyn...
People Should Be Judged The Content Of Their...
Marijuana Cultivation, Possesion and Distribution are crimes only...
Your girl Vs friends with weed!
Ain’t no mountain high enough..
I’m fighting for the right to exist, no...
Cannabis is safer than…Handwriting???
Trying to act normal at the dinner table