Magician tries selling weed; to a cop! I’ve seen a few pranks involving the cops and trying to sell them pot, actual pots among other things. This has to be one of the best magic tricks though.
Kris Kristofferson – The pilgrim, Chapter 33
When your best buddy runs out of weed…
Reefer Madness – The Musical. Trailer
Red Eye Excuse – Rage Comic
Cure For Cancer: Weed? UK Grandfather
A little pot from Colorado
Alcohol is a much bigger problem, says DC...
420 Explained : The Code behind Marijuana
If you’ve never smoked weed…
Children using medical cannabis / marijuana to stay...
Fuck Prohibition
Biodegradable Hemp Plastic
The People Of Uruguay Celebrate Cannabis Legalisation
Smoking Weed Like A Boss
High as Fuck – Jon Lajoie
When you open the door to the pizza...
Conspiracy Keanu – Weed Fixes Everything
Hemp For Stustainability