The marijuana conspirqacy, born in America on October 1st 1937. The treasury said it caused violence and insanity, the complete opposite of what it does. Jack Herer argued that the Cannabis plant industrial and medicinal abilities were deliberately suppressed by wealthy businessmen set to profit from it being outlawed.
Ever been so high that…
Nice people take drugs
“Fuck Justice for ALL.” – Cannabis scheduling verdict...
This is me after my morning dab
Why shouldn’t I take a second dab?
Top 10 Marijuana Documentaries
Weed Smoking Area
Kid Cudi – Cudderisback
Italian activists storm US army base planting thousands...
I’d Hit That…BONG!
Fliptrix – The High Way (with Lyrics)
One Infestation Worse Than Spidermite
Weed Wedding Cake for stoner couples ?
Heroin V Weed
As The World Turns The Kush Burns
If weed affects your short term memory…
Guy on Bids 420 Repeatedly – Price Is...
When someone says weed is weed!