Facebook’s, or should I say Potbook’s main man Mark Zuckerberg looks like he’s smoking some good weed. Stoned to the conkers.
Cannabis For Dog Bites ?
When You Need Campaign Funds
When you run out of mason jars…
Wake, bake, fap, nap!
No one rules, if no one obeys
Is this the biggest joint ever ?
Grocery Shopping In Colorado
I Was Born To Chill
Stoner Pick-up Line
It’s true that drugs kill, but not cannabis
Snoop Dogg: I Smoke 81 Blunts A Day
Marijuana – Safer Than Fireworks
More Weed in My System Than…
Has your child gone to pot ?
Wake and bake…very nice
Washing hands during pandemic
A Drop A Day keeps Cancer At Bay
Not all heroes wear capes