An ad campaign that focusing on marijuana edibles and being a responsible weed smoker has launched in the US, targeting states where marijuana is now legal, or will do in the near future. Pot consumers are urged to ‘start low and go slow’ with marijuana edibles. For more info visit
DJ Schmolli – In Folsom Prison For A...
Funny weed pictures
Taco Bell know!
When your best buddy runs out of weed…
I Don’t Do Drugs, Honest
Too many Dabs – Weed Hangover?
I don’t do drugs. I am Drugs –...
Understanding why people don’t smoke weed
Study Shows Medical Marijuana Means Less Overdoses
How Cannabinoids Fight Cancer
Recreational pot smoker
South African Weed Techno ???
Spannabis 2015 – Barcelona Trailer
French Fries Are Not Pizza Topping
Up at 7am smoking weed
When you forget which way the blunt is...
Dab Safely: Cannabis concentrates, extracts or dabs are...
The Weed Meme Song