Jimmy Kimmel Live Pot Quiz. The Marijuana industry is getting involved in the political process. We wondered if regular pot smokers pay enough attention to politics to make a positive impact, so we sent a crew to a medical marijuana dispensary in Hollywood armed with nothing but a camera and some very basic questions.
A Brief History Of Marijuana Education In America
5G Vs 5G
Dr. Lester Grinspoon Talks Cannabis
The Weed Prohibition Lobby (New Documentary)
When you think your dealer is ripping you...
Eve Ensler activist quote
Mom calling at 4:20
The Only Breaking Up We Do Is When...
When you’re dabbed out
It’s Not A War On Drugs, It’s A...
Parents 4 Pot Aims To Eliminate Stigma, Legal...
Cannabis Is One Of Gods Creations
Happy Birthday Bob Marley – Macka B
Fight For Your World, Not Your Country
Big Pharma wants you high on pills –...
Robin Williams – Alcohol vs Marijuana
I’m So High Right Now – Astronaut High
A toke a day keeps the doctor away