Don’t say marijuana is illegal because it’s dangerous, if that’s the case then why are tobacco and alcohol legal with thousands of deaths per day ?
420 Shaped Glass Pipe
Marijuana Gives You The Munchies
One Does Not Simply Die While Using Marijuana
Pot should be mandatory – Bill Hicks Sane...
The Perfect Date
High Till I Die
What Happens When A Little Girl With Dravet...
This Is Your Brain On Cannabis
Dude…Are you Sure That Was A Cigarette?
When we get our smoke on
I Brought You Weed
Magpie steals a joint
But it’s medical catnip!
Fight Terror – Grow Your own
What if its me? What if, like, I...
Scientific Explanation Of How Cannabis Cures Cancer
Tobacco v Cannabis deaths
Jorge Cervantes’ Ultimate Grow Part 3