The above statement says it all, That’s a shit load of weed you need for it to be fatal…basically its an impossible task!
Songify the News – America gone to pot
Waiting To Inhale (2005) Documentary
High as Fuck – Jon Lajoie
Scientific Explanation Of How Cannabis Cures Cancer
When you find out who’s been smoking all...
Why Don’t You Smoke Weed?
Turn that frown upside down
A Gourmet Weed Dinner At Hunter S. Thompson’s...
Wait, There Was Hash Oil In That?
Sheltering Suburban Mom Lectures You About ‘Dangers’ Of...
Your Blunts Are Weak Old Man
The goverment are paying bills with weed money
Bobama be Jammin’ – Bob Marley / Obama...
What do you want to be when you...
Medical marijuana for epilepsy?
Prohibition in The Garden of Eden
Oh My God, Marijuana Is A Meme Now
The California Cannabis Hemp Initiative 2014 (Jack Herer...