“I desperatly want the UK to consider the evidence and not base policy on fear, stigma and prejudice. The cae for legalisation is overwhelming. I urge the government to act and listen to evidence.” Norman Lamb MP for North Norfolk
Cannabis Extract For Cancer Patients
The Best Hangover Prevention
“I don’t do drugs” starter pack
I’m a joker, smoker and a midnight toker
Gorilla Glue Slaps ‘Reverse Class-Action’ Suit on 3...
Prohibition Is The Problem
Oh, you hate hearing about weed on 420…
Could Medical Marijuana Improve the Health of the...
Canada’s New Corporate Weed System
You put the weed in the carrot and...
Let Our People Grow
Call of Duuuuude
Conservative Christian Doctor Gives Daughter Cannabis Oil For...
Smoke wheat everyday!
Soap for stoners
I’m Not Smoking Anymore, But I Ain’t Smoking...
Wee lonley stoner
Hipster Jesus turned water into weed