I don’t know about the supermarket but this resembles my kitchen after a late night session of the munchies. The aftermath of a stoner stampede.
Warning: Marijuana Cultivation is Dangerous!
Dabs had me like! – Really High Goat
Trying not to smoke weed before noon
Drug War violates Human Rights.
Red-Eye Photoshopped? Nah Brah just quality weed!
I’m fighting for the right to exist, no...
Did someone say marijuana ?
Weed in the future…
Stoner plans for the weekend
Thurgood Goes To Rehab For Marijuana Addiction
The first few days of a t break
A nice poem about pot
Could Medical Marijuana Improve the Health of the...
Green Britain – The Battle
Name A Type Of Glass That Can Be...
The best weed Strains – Snoop Dogg and...
Pot Shop – Macklemore Thrift Shop PARODY By...
Ellie Goulding – Burn