Us leaving the party to smoke a blunt and have sex.
Medical Cannabis & Dinosaurs are REAL
If You Smoke Cigarettes or Drink Alcohol…
I’d rather be smoking a blunt!
Childs Bong Costume
A Cure For Cancer? Not A Huge Market...
“Dear Mom” – Marijuana Policy Project
Weed Card by Garfunkel and Oates
Marijuana Use Linked To One Death Every 19...
Beware Fake Tomato Plants!
Now that marijuana is legal in Colorado…
Dudes Friend Smokes Weed For The First Time
Nice people take drugs
When you think your dealer is ripping you...
How to Water Cannabis Plants – Double Watering...
420 Explained : The Code behind Marijuana
Snoop Dogg: I Smoke 81 Blunts A Day
High In Public
Is this the best marijuana tattoo ever?