I’m terribly sorry that I’m breaking the law, but I was not consulted when those laws were established.
Wait dabs? I mean we got a little...
Angry Bees Attack Cops For Taking Weed Away
Pocket my lighter one more time
Problems with the Legalization of Marijuana #005
Keanu Questions Jesus’ Approach To Miracles
Long distance relationship…with the fridge!
Cannabis A Wonder Drug Quote
Granny’s got the good shit
Explaining weed to non-weed smoking friends
Cannabis Prohibition, It’s just not right!
Huge fan of your work…
Overturning Pot Convictions In Colorado – A Step...
Jesus Knows…
The High Way is the only way
The Best Hangover Prevention
Marijuana may be the effective treatment you’re looking...
Your brain at 4am
Who wants to smoke a blunt?